Weekly Court Schedule

Our season runs from May through September. We follow a weekly schedule, offering opportunities for players of all ages and skill levels to participate.

As the season progresses changes may be made based on participation in programs and  the feedback we receive from club members.

Click here to download the WEEKLY schedule for play at Quigley starting May 12 until the opening of the new courts in Greystone.

Click here to download the WEEKLY schedule for play at the Greystone Courts when the open tentatively June 1

Definitions and Expectations of Play

Rec Play

uses the paddle system (described below), booked thru Court Reserve; limited to sign-up of 6 people/court (e.g. 24 people if 4 courts are allocated), people come and go as they please, they don’t have to stay the entire time


uses the paddle system (described below); not booked thru Court Reserve; no limit to the number of players people come and go as they please, they don’t have to stay the entire time

Evening Play

There is some overlap in organized play between daytime (8:30 am-6:30 pm) and evening (6:30-9 pm). The intention is that daytime players would primarily be retired individuals or people who are not working or going to school. Evening players would primarily be students, people who work during the day, or families. People who play in a specific daytime program will be encouraged to not sign up for the same program offered in the evening.

Cohort Play

A member books a court instead of booking an individual spot. That member then plays with their chosen group (1-4 players). Cohort play can be used for doubles games, singles games, or drilling. Only members can participate in cohort play.


PADDLE BOX PLACEMENT – Place your paddle in the box, working from left to right. This ensures a clear and fair order for everyone waiting to play. 
NEXT UP – The first four paddles from the left are the next group up to play. This group should prepare to enter the court as soon as it becomes available.
FOURSOME GROUP – If you wish to stay together as a foursome, place your paddles in sideways. This indicates that you intend to play as a group and should be treated as a single unit in the rotation.
ROTATION – Once a game is finished, the current players should exit the court promptly, allowing the next four players (or the designated foursome) to enter.

Round Robin Play

Organized play based on skill level booked thru Court Reserve





Within each skill level we offer men’s, women’s and mixed play.

RR players are expected to show up 10 minutes before the scheduled start time so that the captains have time to organize the sessions, ensuring that games start on time.


Organized opportunities to become a more proficient pickleball player booked thru Court Reserve

cochranepickleballclub@gmail.com for more info.

Beginner Lessons

The club offers an introductory lesson to players with no or limited pickleball experience. To arrange a lesson please email cochranepickleballclub@gmail.com and one of the instructors will contact you to schedule the lesson.


Players wishing to participate in 2.0 or above Round Robins must be rated. Learn more about getting rated.