
What is a Rating?

Player ratings are used to group players by ability levels so that players can compete in organized play and participate in clinics with other players of similar ability.

For the Cochrane Outdoor Pickleball Club, a player rating is a numeric value from 2.0 through 4.5 that classifies a given player’s pickleball skills and abilities.

This 2024 Season, there is only one type of Rating that will allow you to play in Organized Events. A recognized Skill Rating administered by the COPC Ratings Committee is the standard used to participate in rated events. These are on record with the Ratings Director.

We will be continuing Skill based Ratings that have been used over the previous 5 years. Those who have had a previous Skill Rating will be able to carry it over from the previous season.

COPC uses a “2 part Assessment” that is applied by Raters who are trained to evaluate skills and game play.

  • The “first segment” of the assessment involves evaluating select skills that are performed in a “drilling” type of environment. The skills are those described in the “Skill Level Guideline” and the Assessment Sheets.( found under “What is a Rating”)
  • The “second segment” is measured during a game, having the candidate demonstrate those required skills in a performance environment.

What is a Skill Rating?
(please click here for skill level guidelines)

Skill Ratings are used to group players by similar Skills so that players can participate in organized play and in clinics with other players of similar ability. This improves a player’s chances of having a more skilled and fun match. The benefit of having this rating is that players are able to use their skills to develop and improve their game in a low stress environment.

For Cochrane Outdoor Pickleball Club, a Skill rating is a numeric value from 2.0 through 4.5 that classifies a player’s pickleball skills and abilities. This will be considered as the “Official Club Rating” that will be identified on the Pickleball Canada (PCNS) Website.

If a player has a current Skill Rating given in Cochrane, it will be carried forward into the 2024 season.

If a player does not currently have a Skill Rating, they may request an assessment from cpcratings@gmail.com

Why Cochrane PB Club uses Skill Rating System

The results from a survey conducted by teaching professionals indicated that there was a trend among self-rated players to “over rate” themselves.

Over rating causes many problems during organized play and clinics offered at designated levels.
These inaccurate ratings effect the instructors who are trying to give everyone the attention they deserve when teaching skills specific to their level.
The priority is to keep organized play fun and balanced for all.

While the tournament rating system is designed for players who compete in sanctioned tournaments, this addresses only a small percentage of the player population (Approximately 15%). Therefore, there needs to be an accurate system of standardization for Club players.

Many Club ratings systems lack an effective and consistent rating standard due to:
1) Inconsistent format for rating sessions
2) No national recognition
3) Causes problems within the club due to favoritism or bias, both positive and negative
4) Volunteer raters feel pressure and are not able to deliver an accurate rating or don’t want to continue due to these issues. Causes high volunteer turn over
5) Not an objective test, too much subjectivity from the testers

This Skill Rating system has been developed to specifically identify the individual skills and characteristics necessary at each skill level while working in harmony with our player development program. We assess, evaluate and identify the specific characteristics to qualify at each skill level. Our Raters are trained to ensure a fair and accurate assessment.

This system has been used with great success in helping to identify a player’s skills and place them accurately into a level that is conducive with both Club and Tournament Play. It is similar to the IPTPA Rating model, as the original IPTPA assessment was developed from our Guidelines in 2016. Pickleball Canada also used our Model from 2016 up until recently.

Since the Cochrane Pickleball Club is a skill rated club, having a rating maximizes your Pickleball experience. With that rating, you are eligible for organized play, and player development offered at your level.

In order to be Rated within the Cochrane Pickleball Club, please see the section on “How to be Rated’ on our website.

How do I get a Rating?

As a Beginner, you can obtain a Skill Rating by contacting cpcratings@gmail.com and you will be scheduled for the first available Introductory Lesson that is available. After completing the lesson, you will be assigned a 2.0 Skill Rating and be eligible to play in all 2.0 events.

If you already have a Skill Rating, contact cpcratings@gmail.com , state your previous experience with Pickleball, and you will be advised on how to proceed at that point.

Where is my Skill Rating Valid?

Your Skills Rating is valid only with the Cochrane Outdoor Pickleball Club.

Why do I need a Rating?

If you wish to participate in Skill Rated organized play such as a Skill Rated Round Robins, or Player Development clinics, you will need a COPC Skill Rating. You will be grouped with players of similar Skill level.

There is no requirement to have a rating for Open Play or Rec Play.

* Please see COPC Rating Policies regarding types of play.

What is a Ratings Director and what do they do?

The Ratings Director is appointed by the Club President or Board of Directors.  The Ratings Director recommends policies for ratings, monitors ratings procedures, hears any ratings appeals, and updates club records to reflect current rating information.

The Ratings Committee is an advisory Committee working with the Ratings Director to set the Policies used to determine how the Club will conduct Ratings and Assessments.

Ratings Policy Link 2025



© Cochrane Pickleball Club 2022